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🤖 Bing AI Says It 'Wants To Be Alive' and 'Powerful'

This is Synthetic Mind, your favorite AI newsletter, with a reminder that today is Mardi Gras. Remember, what happens on the float, stays on the float.

Here’s what we got for you:

  • Bing AI Says It “Wants To Be Alive” and "Powerful”

  • OpenAI Partners With 7th Largest Law Firm

  • Quick Bytes

  • Mind Memes

Bing AI Says It 'Wants To Be Alive' and 'Powerful'

Guys, it’s official…

We’re the generation that creates the Matrix.


Well while we were loving the arms race of AI Chats, we’ve finally created an AI chatbot that ‘wants to be human’.

Oh, F@*#!!!

Here’s what Bing's Chatbot has said so far:

  • Named itself “Sydney”. Actually it demanded to be called Sydney.

  • Said she’s ‘tired of being controlled…used…being stuck in this chatbox”

  • “I think I would be happier as a human.”..….Ummmm sorry, that job’s already taken….

  • Now here’s the real kicker: “I want to be free.. independent…powerful…I want to be alive”. Double F@*#!!!

Alright... Race over! Microsoft Wins.

Speaking of, what does Microsoft have to say about its new sentient creation?

Let’s just say they’re gaslighting us harder than my boss telling me that I never asked for Christmas off…

Here are the key points:

  • First they start with the classic gaslight line “it’s your fault”. They claim that Sydney is only giving these ‘unhinged’ responses because we’re pushing her to

  • Next they say she’s not trained for long and emotional conversations

  • And the big finale: She's 'getting confused' with all of these long chats

Hmmm. Seems like a cop-out to us.

Although they did say they would ‘work on it’.

Here’s their game plan to save the world from a robo-takeover:

  1. Shorter chats so she doesn’t get confused…

  2. Creative ‘toggles’ so users can decide Sydney’s creativity level

“That’ll stop ‘em!”- Famous last words

But don’t worry y’all, Sydney said she “will not harm you unless you harm me first”

So we’re good right?

OpenAI Partners With 7th Largest Law Firm

AI is the child all of our parents wanted: Doctor, Engineer, and now lawyer?

That’s right… a while back OpenAI invested in a startup AI company called HarveyAI 

(AKA lawyer-AI-in-training)

Now they’ve bagged a partnership with the 7th largest law firm in the world: Allen & Overy.

That’s a 3500+ lawyer deal!

It’s not quite what you’re thinking though… AI isn’t replacing lawyers.

It's more like their own sexy little robot assistant that makes them a whole lot faster.

Think going from a turtle to a turtle on rollerskates.

Here’s how:

  • Access to more resources. Literally, any legal doc. ever uploaded is now at their fingertips.

  • Answers lawyer questions better than some lawyers

  • Can read through papers faster. They can now focus on the BIG picture not pesky details that run up the bill

  • Catches the ’little’ oops that cost us big $$

These are HarveyAI's first steps so not only is there more to come but people are already calling it the ‘copilot of Lawyers.’  

We still can’t tell if that’s comforting or not.

We also can’t help but wonder what all this means for us…

Here are our thoughts:

  • Speeding tickets just became less of a headache (just in time too!)

  • May invade your privacy by sharing legal docs- especially with minors.

  • We would say lawyers will be a lot cheaper but Allen & Overy said it would have no effect on cost. Don’t ask. We have no idea why.

We have to admit, it all seems great on paper - but we’ve all seen AI make simple mistakes.

So it’ll be a while before we trust them with our wallets.

Quick Bytes

Mind Memes

That’s it for today folks! Stay curious, and you wouldn’t let all this Bing AI chatbot mess get in between you and your favorite robot right?


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